The Wellness Girls' Guide to College Survival: The Meal Plan

Originally published in The Chalkboard Magazine

"LEARNING TO EAT WELL in college isn’t just about avoiding the dreaded Freshman Fifteen; it’s about getting the right balance of nutrition to feed our brains and fuel our bodies in order to feel amazing. This week, integrative nutritionist, Jennie Miremadi, is sharing her top tips for mastering collegiate wellness in our fall series here on TCM.

Whether you’re eating between classes, in the dorms, or off-campus in your adorably decorated new digs, Jennie is showing us how to navigate the waters…" -The Chalkboard Magazine


In a college dorm cafeteria, you have unlimited food at your fingertips for every meal. From make-your-own ice cream bars to oven-baked pizza to fettuccine with cream sauce, it’s easy to indulge in food that can leave you feeling unwell. Stay on track with your nutrition goals by setting an intention to make healthy choices, listening to your body and taking these steps to follow through:

Grab a dinner plate and fill it with a combination of protein, healthy fat and fiber-rich carbohydrates from real, whole-foods sources.

PROTEIN | Good options for protein include eggs, chicken and turkey.

GOOD FATS | Extra-virgin olive oil, avocado, olives, coconut oil, nuts and seeds are good choices for healthy fats.

FIBER | Nutritious, fiber-rich carbs include non-starchy vegetables (e.g., green vegetables, cauliflower, fennel), non-glutenous grains (e.g., quinoa, brown rice), starchy vegetables (e.g., sweet potatoes, butternut squash) and legumes (e.g., chickpeas, lentils). Pick a combination of your favorites, but try to fill at least half of your plate with non-starchy vegetables!

Pro tip: Because food is so abundant in a dorm dining hall, it’s important to eat with your stomach, not your eyes. In other words, let your hunger levels be the gauge for how much you eat. Before you go back for a second plate, wait twenty minutes and check in with your stomach. If your stomach is still hungry, get more food. If it isn’t, stop there and remind yourself that if you get hungry later, you can always have a snack in your dorm room.


Skipping breakfast and lunch when you’re on campus all day will make it hard for you to concentrate in class, and will also set you up to make unhealthy choices later on. If you get back from class and you haven’t eaten all day, you’ll be more likely to grab whatever you can find, even if it’s unhealthy, and it will be much harder for you to listen to your body’s hunger signals and stop eating when you’re satiated. The key to eating healthy when you’re on campus all day is to plan ahead. Here is a good place to start:

BREAKFAST |Wake up early enough to eat breakfast before class.

If you’re eating in the dorms: Skip the waffle bar and choose eggs or oatmeal instead. Eat your eggs with lots of veggies. Make your oats more nutrient-rich (and filling) by bringing chia seeds, flax seeds, powdered greens and/or collagen peptides with you as add-ins.

If you live off campus: make a healthy breakfast the night before so that it’s ready to go the next morning. Easy-to-prep options include green protein smoothies, overnight oats and collard wraps with hardboiled eggs and veggies.

LUNCH | Create your class schedule so that you have lunch break.

If you live in the dorms, make a meal to-go in the morning before you leave for class. If your dorm meal plan enables you to eat at restaurants on campus, find a healthy lunch spot and make that your go-to.

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